Bick Hang

Bick has been working in the area of children and family services collectively for over 32 years, and the last 25 years have been dedicated to early childhood education. She has served children and families from culturally diverse communities within various educational systems, social services agencies, Tribal organizations, higher education, local government agencies, and currently as an Early Learning Coach with the City of Seattle Preschool Program. She provides direct instructional coaching support and technical assistance to a team of 25 teachers. She uses a tailored work plan with each educator to strengthen his/her quality of teaching practices that are inclusive and culturally responsive in meeting children’s learning needs.

The focus of her work continues to be at the grass-root and community level in leveraging support and advocating for positive and culturally responsive changes for families, particularly families from underrepresented communities. She holds a graduate degree from Pacific Oaks College in Human Development with specialization in Early Childhood Education and Bicultural Development in Young Children, and an undergraduate composite degree from Hope College in Sociology and Psychology with a minor in Spanish.