Meg Wheatley

Margaret (Meg) began caring about the world's peoples in 1966, as a Peace Corps volunteer in post-war Korea. In many different roles–speaker, teacher, consultant, advisor, formal leader–her work has deepened into an unshakable conviction that leaders must learn how to invoke people's inherent generosity, creativity and need for community. As this world tears us apart, sane leadership on behalf of the human spirit is the only way forward. She is Co-Founder and President of The Berkana Institute, (, an organizational consultant since 1973, a global citizen since her youth, and a prolific writer. She has authored ten books, from the classic Leadership and the New Science in 1992 to Who Do We Choose To Be: Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity (2017). Her new work (2020) is different--a CD and accompanying book, The Warrior’s Songline: A Journey Guided By Voice And Sound. A songline is a powerful form of teaching created by Australian Aboriginals that embeds critical knowledge in a landscape. The Warrior’s Songline uses the geography of Utah (where Meg lives) to provide guidance and training for those choosing to be Warriors for the Human Spirit.

For the past five years, she has been training leaders and activists from 35 countries as Warriors for the Human Spirit, an in-depth training program and path of service supported by a robust global community. See details at:

Meg received her doctorate in Organizational Behavior from Harvard University in 1979, when the field of OD was gaining ground. She has been honored for her ground-breaking work by many professional associations, universities and organizations.

Her website is designed as a library and resource for people with articles, videos, podcasts, poetry and others’ work that inspires Meg. All downloadable for free.