Transforming Education
from the Inside Out
Transforming Education from the Inside Out
Transformative Educational Leadership (TEL) ® cultivates the inner and outer growth of educational leaders and deepens their capacity to transform their school communities so that everyone thrives. TEL brings together a diverse group of leaders from a variety of roles and educational communities for a year-long Fellowship to create a more compassionate, just and interdependent world. Ultimately, TEL is a Beloved Community of awakened educational leaders who receive the support and skills necessary to create transformative change in the communities they serve.
Transformation Happens Through Community
The Power of Community
Transformation happens through community. As a TEL Fellow, you are a member of a Beloved Community where you will experience shifts in attitude, beliefs, and thinking necessary to embody your highest vision of what it means to lead for Love and Belonging. Build heart-centered relationships with education leaders from a wide variety of roles including Superintendents, Principals, and Non-Profit & CBO Leaders. Connect to on-going support through an engaged Alumni network. Deepen your capacity to lead in ways that all members of your community feel cared for, connected and belong.
Listen to experiences from our participants and alumni.

An Interdisciplinary Approach
TEL focuses on what it means to truly lead from the inside out. We believe the most powerful transformation happens at the intersection of inner development that cultivates the values that instill compassionate and courageous action in our spheres of power and circles of influence. Areas of exploration.
Transformative Leadership
Social and Emotional Learning
Ethical Decision-making
Principles of Nonviolence
Racial, Social, and Ecological Justice
Mindfulness and Contemplative Practices
Inner Wisdom and Embodiment
Systems Change and Collective Impact
Participant Experiences