2024 Mindfulness in Education Conference:
Embodying Courage & Resilience As We Educate for Climate Justice, July 12-14, 2024
About the Conference
The Mindfulness in Education Conference is co-hosted by Transformative Educational Leadership and the Omega Institute. It is the first and longest running Mindfulness in Education Conference in the world.
Since 2009, diverse educators from across the globe gather on the serene grounds of the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY to explore Mindfulness, Social and Emotional Learning, Healing-Centered practices, and other transformative approaches to K-12 education.
This conference also serves to offer to those working in K-12 education and beyond, the opportunity to receive the support and love needed by being part of a Beloved Community of like-hearted individuals.
Come be a part of this community and join the Mindfulness in Education Conference this July 12-14, 2024.
How do we cultivate active hope in ourselves and our students amidst the heartbreak, grief, and uncertainty stemming from the climate emergency, growing inequality, and a host of other interrelated challenges? Join us for the 15th annual Mindfulness in Education Conference, where educators come together to explore how we can harness the power of education to help build a just and sustainable future.
The conference is rooted in expanding the dream of "beloved community" to encompass an enduring, loving relationship between humanity and the natural world. We envision a world where all humans and our nonhuman kin are treated with respect, dignity, and love.
As educators, we are called to prepare our students to thrive in the challenging world they’re growing into and to help shape that world as leaders for climate justice. Join us for a transformative experience focused on kinship as a key dimension of climate education.
The conference will empower educators to inspire climate action, to build trustworthy relationships and communities of support, and to instill in the hearts and minds of our students a sense of responsibility for—and kinship with—our fellow humans and our environment.
Throughout the weekend participants will:
Cultivate practices to promote well-being, inner resilience, and courage in ourselves and our students
Wrestle with a comprehensive vision of what pre-K-12 education needs to be in this time of climate crisis
Create concrete action plans to implement climate-justice initiatives in our local contexts
Explore with like-minded educators how to cultivate classrooms and schools into beloved communities
Discuss how transformative SEL and Mindfulness skills can transcend division and foster a sense of belonging
Gain insights from outstanding educators who are creating wise and imaginative ways to educate their students for climate justice
Explore ways to engage everyone to support Indigenous people and people of the Global South who have contributed the least to climate change yet are now in line to suffer the most
This gathering is held in partnership with Transformative Educational Leadership (TEL), a racially and culturally diverse group of educational leaders across sectors that seeks to create systemic transformation based on a deep foundation of inner development.
Featured Presenters include: Bayo Akomolafe, Linda Lantieri, Meena Srinivasan, Mychal Mills, Simone Gonyea, and Tom Roderick.
Mindfulness in Education Conference: Past Speakers