Elidia Sangerman
Elidia Sangerman was born in Oaxaca, Mexico. She has been living in Seattle, WA for 19 years. She is married with three children ages; 18, 10, and 5. She has worked in the early childhood field for 18 years. She is currently working as a Dual Language Preschool coach with the city of Seattle for the Seattle Preschool Program. She is also teaching Spanish ECE college courses with North Seattle College. She is a member of the Latino Childcare Taskforce in Seattle and a bilingual MERIT STARS approved trainer for WA state. She likes to paint with acrylics, jog, pray, read, and spend time with nature. She uses this quote for reflection on her daily work, “There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children” (Nelson Mandela). She is looking forward to participating in this educational experience as she wants to learn more leadership skills and ways to be a culturally responsive leader from the lens of Social and Emotional support. Being a leader and providing equitable services to communities of color is essential. It’s hard work that continuously needs self-care and strength. She also believes that the wonder of children’s learning happens when we let their curiosity and creativity flourish with freedom.