Kalee Thompson

Kalee Thompson is a mother to two small children, a yoga teacher, meditation practitioner, holistic educator, and seeker. Gratitude is Kalee’s religion and being present is her life’s work. Kalee lives in New Delhi, India where she is an English as an Additional Language teacher at the American Embassy School. A few ways that Kalee infuses her holistic practices into her work are through staff yoga sessions, weekly “Thoughtful Tuesday” recordings shared during grade-level community meetings, taking deep breaths after transitioning with students, an after-school yoga program for upper elementary students called “Yoga for a Happy Heart” and as a member of the SEL retreat team. She is currently halfway through an MSW program with a focus on school counseling. In early May, she is giving a TEDx talk called “The Life-changing Power of Gratitude”. To nurture her soul, Kalee loves riding horses, spending time with her family in nature, and practicing yoga. She is deeply honored to be a part of the Beloved Community of TEL fellows.